
    scpi_t * context,
    int32_t * numbers,
    size_t len);

This function implements handling of “SCPI-99: Multiple Identical Capabilities”. In the command pattern, you should specify, where are numbers allowed. In the callback, just call SCPI_CommandNumbers() and it will fill provided array by real numbers.

numbers is provided array, that will be filled with numbers.

len is length of provided array.

Order and count of numbers is always the same for one pattern, even if the number is not typed - e.g. OUT:FREQ is the same as OUT1:FREQ and result will be array of one element which will be 1.

There are few examples of command patterns:

Usage example

Example is extracted from scpi-def.c


{.pattern = "TEST#:NUMbers#", .callback = TEST_Numbers,},


static scpi_result_t TEST_Numbers(scpi_t * context) {
    int32_t numbers[2];

    SCPI_CommandNumbers(context, numbers, 2);

    fprintf(stderr, "TEST numbers %d %d\r\n", numbers[0], numbers[1]);

    return SCPI_RES_OK;

Because there are two # in pattern, expected size of numbers array is 2 and third parameter of SCPI_CommandNumbers is also 2.

You can use interactive command line demo and you will get:

> TEST numbers 2 3

> TEST numbers 1 3

> TEST numbers 1 1