
    scpi_t * context,
    const scpi_choice_def_t * special,
    scpi_number_t * value,
    scpi_bool_t mandatory);

SCPI_ParamNumber() reads next parameter and stores its value in value. If there is no parameter or type of the parameter is not a number or mnemonic, FALSE is returnd.

If mandatory is TRUE and parameter is missing, SCPI error -109, “Missing parameter” is also generated for this.

If mandatory is FALSE and return of the function is also FALSE we should scheck also result of SCPI_ParamErrorOccurred(). If the result is FALSE parameter is just missing.

Value description

scpi_number_t type has this fields

See also


Usage example

Simple brightness parameter that should allow values like “0.251”, “25.1 PCT” and possibly “25100 PPM”. All these example values are equal and there is no need for special handling of all cases. Everything is done in SCPI_ParamNumber. This example also allows special values “UP” and “DOWN”.

scpi_bool_t res;
scpi_number_t paramBrightness;
res = SCPI_ParamNumber(context, scpi_special_numbers_def, &paramBrightness, TRUE);
if (!res)
    return SCPI_RES_ERR;

/* We can easilly implement handling of values "UP" and "DOWN". 
 * If there is no need for special values, just return error with SCPI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER_VALUE. */
if (paramBrightness.special) {
    switch (paramBrightness.tag) {
    case SCPI_NUM_UP: brightnessInc(); break;
    case SCPI_NUM_DOWN: brightnessDec(); break;
        return SCPI_RES_ERR;
} else {
    /* handling of numeric value */
    if (paramBrightness.unit == SCPI_UNIT_NONE || paramBrightness.unit == SCPI_UNIT_UNITLESS ) {
        /* range check of value */
        if (paramBrightness.value < 0.0 || paramBrightness.value > 1.0) {
            SCPI_ErrorPush(context, SCPI_ERROR_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE);
            return SCPI_RES_ERR;
        } else {
    } else {
        SCPI_ErrorPush(context, SCPI_ERROR_INVALID_SUFFIX);
        return SCPI_RES_ERR;
return SCPI_RES_OK;